4 Home Tech Upgrades that are Worth Every Penny

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Believe it or not, some home tech purchases have a greater value than others, especially if it’s connected to an essential or daily function. For those who want the best value for their money, consider these four upgrades.

Wi-Fi Router

Think of your wifi router as the main pipe to which all your other tech devices are connected. If it’s too small or old, then the bandwidth will have a harder time reaching out to your other devices and powering them, thereby making the experience suffer as a result. If you have high-speed internet at your J’Den Condo home and haven’t upgraded your router in more than five years, then it’s definitely time to invest in one.

Smart Light-Changing Bulbs

Smart bulbs can change color at the press of a button or a command via your smart speaker display. In some cases, you can adjust the brightness, going on maximum for work hours and dimming it down at night or while sleeping.

CCTV Camera

There’s no price on security and protecting your loved ones. As it stands, CCTV cameras are one of the best ways to ensure a safe home and environment. Tech innovations and improvements make CCTVs better than ever- these devices can now see in the dark, record video in high definition, detect motion, and more.

Also, these devices tend to last a long time and consume very little energy in daily use. Just make sure to buy outdoor and weather-proof cameras if you’re planning to install them outside.

Laptop or Desktop Computer

Upgrading your desktop or laptop computer should be done every few years or when you find the machine incapable of completing work tasks. The good news is that laptop and computers and their components are getting more affordable as years go by, and you can build a budget computer if you’re short on money.

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