5 Ways To Improve Software Security In Your Development Company

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

There are several effective ways to improve software security in your development company. According to recent reports, a security issue at the development level can cost companies nearly $80 per defect. If some defects make it all the way through the production, that cost can go up thousands of dollars. Indeed, development managers may need to handle government fines, litigation, and repair costs depending on the type of software. As a development manager, you need to know the best strategies to increase security in your coding projects. This way, you can keep costs low for your team and focus on driving business. After all, strong security is a serious gateway to career success in the software development world. Read on to learn about some of the most effective ways to improve software security in your development company.

Patch Your Software

First, you should patch your software to improve security in your software development projects. To get started, take a comprehensive inventory of your software and code components. Compile this list into a bill of materials (BOM). Add the licenses that regulate these code components. In addition, you should not the versions of components that you’re using from the codebase. This way, your security team can quickly identify any associated risks involved. Notably, nearly 60% of software applications use open source code in some way. Therefore, maintaining this inventory is critical to keep your patches up-to-date and prevent common breaches. Definitely, patch your software to improve security in your development company.

Integrate Security In DevOps Workflow

Next, you should also integrate security into your DevOps workflow to protect your software systems. For example, many top software development companies use JFrog Xray to promote secure software delivery from code to devices. Notably, you can integrate this tool into your DevOps platform. Then, leverage software composition analysis, container contextual analysis, and OSS library detection features. In addition, you can gain insight on where vulnerabilities are located with visibility and impact analysis. Deploy fixes using integrated binary management and ensure remediation across your ecosystem. Undoubtedly, integrate security into your DevOps workflow to protect your code.

Implement Least Privilege Access

In addition, you should implement the principle of least privilege access (PoLP) to boost security in your applications. Typically, this security practice gives users the minimum level of permissions required to perform their day-to-day job. Additionally, you can follow this principle based on program as well. Here, you can restrict their authority to bypass certain security restraints. This way, you can protect access to your high-value data and company assets. Plus, you can maintain control over permissions, even if you hire interns or professionals change roles. Of course, implement protocols to outline who maintains access permissions. Surely, implement least privilege access to increase your software security.

Develop Security Requirements & Test Cases

Moreover, develop security requirements and test cases to implement through your software development process. Ideally, you should classify specific needs such as input validation and functional requirements. In addition, you should develop use cases for what you want your code to achieve. Of course, it’s also important to outline misuse cases and abuse cases that detail what functions you don’t want in your system. Additionally, you can include whitelists for what you allow in your software. You should also use approved encryption for your data as well. Absolutely, develop security requirements and test cases to enhance your software security. 

Prepare & Educate Team Members

Furthermore, prepare and educate your team members on key software security policies. Ideally, you should define specific coding practices and architecture requirements for your developers. In addition, specify automation tools and procedures to maintain CI/CD. Of course, you can also assign role-related training plans and responsibilities to keep your team updated after incidents occur. Plus, create an audit trail to track your development tasks. Importantly, you should also specify any risk management strategies, laws, and regulations you need members to follow. Certainly, prepare and educate your team members to improve software security in your organization. 

There are several ways to improve software security in your development company. First, you should patch your software to keep open source code at the latest update. Next, integrate security into you DevOps workflow to leverage software composition analysis. In addition, implement the privilege of least privilege access to protect high-value assets. Moreover, develop security requirements and test cases. Then, prepare and educate your team members to follow these in their assigned roles. Consider these points to learn about the most effective ways to improve software security in your development company.

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