Best Online CPR Certifications to become a Healthcare Provider

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Every profession holds a special place in society. But people related to the medical field always enjoy a higher position in people’s hearts. This difference comes from the fact that people in this field relieve you of pain. They do it through medicines and consultation. Their presence assures people of good health. Children look up to doctors, and many even strive to become them. If you have the zeal to save lives, you, too, can learn the right skills for it. Life-saving skills teach you the working of the human body. Through online certifications, you learn techniques that could help someone beat death. This blog discusses how an online CPR certification could benefit healthcare providers.

Who is a healthcare provider?

Looking after one’s health is the top priority. People who provide you with medical help earn the title of healthcare provider. These people help you achieve this goal in life. Most people think of doctors or nurses when they say healthcare providers. But the group covers many professions under its umbrella. The below-mentioned people also fall into this category.

1. Therapists:

Anyone working on muscular skeletal stretching comes under this category. People who take care of your mental health are also healthcare providers.

2. Pharmacists:

Pharmacists study hard to learn the working of the human body. Their knowledge and assistance could help you with many illnesses. They must clear special exams as well.

3. Laboratory Technicians:

Every laboratory technician is a healthcare provider. These include people who take your blood samples—even people who take your X-ray fall into this category.

4. Walk-in Clinics:

Small clinics that provide first aid also have healthcare providers. You can also call them healthcare centers.

5. Speech Therapist:

Some people have trouble swallowing food and speaking. People who work on your food movement and speech protect you from choking hazards.

Difference between Primary and secondary healthcare provider

Every country has different healthcare standards. These standards help to keep a check on their people and deliver the proper medication to the needy. The United States of America follows global healthcare standards. It separates healthcare providers into primary, secondary, and tertiary. While it may sound the same, every title comes with predefined responsibilities. The classification also shows the complexity of medicines administered by each level.

1. Primary Health Care:

The people who see you for the flu or cold are primary healthcare providers. These people look after their patient’s movement to the other doctors. Most primary healthcare providers know life-saving skills and have Online CPR certification. General practitioners and nurses fall under this category.

2. Secondary Health Care:

Doctors take up specialty courses to treat complex diseases. These include cardiologists, endocrinologists, and oncologists. They also have a thorough understanding of the human body. Most people reach this level in case of severe or chronic illnesses.

3. Tertiary Health Care:

The last level of people you may need are those that perform surgeries. Most doctors would want to treat the human body without opening it up. But, many diseases like heart attack need bypass surgery. It would help to have a specialist surgeon on site for such requirements.

What courses can you take as a healthcare provider?

Irrespective of your level as a healthcare provider, you need to know some introductory courses. These courses keep your knowledge sharp and help you to perform your duties well. Some of these courses include:

1. First Aid:

Most healthcare providers need this course to even qualify for the job. But you should renew your certification. Taking a first aid course could save a friend’s life.

2. CPR:

Whether you take an offline or an online CPR certification, this course helps you in many ways. Even if you do not wish to become a full-time healthcare provider, you can still help as a bystander. A CPR course is a must for people working as eldercare providers and first-aiders. Once you take this course, your chances of applying to many new jobs open up.

3. Basic Life Support:

The BLS course talks about ways to give injections. You may need to take this course for an advanced care facility or hospice center.

4. Certified Phlebotomy Technician:

This course will propel your career to the next level. Through it, you learn to draw blood for transfusions and tests. It is a must in every field, as most patients need you.

5. Advanced Pediatric Life Support:

APLS courses are essential in saving children. By taking an APLS course, you could work closer to the doctors and cure the younger generation.

Benefits of CPR for healthcare providers

CPR is an essential life support skill; every healthcare provider must know about it. It is an emergency procedure done to revive a clinically dead patient. As a healthcare provider, CPR benefits you in the following ways.

  1. Once you take a CPR course, you learn life-saving skills that can revive your patient. Healthcare providers may need this skill even on the operation table. Hence irrespective of your level, taking this skill and renewing the certificate helps.
  2. Delivering CPR could prevent your dying patient from becoming brain-dead. Your CPR skill helps the patient’s body circulate blood and prevents organ damage.
  3. Most patients admitted to a hospital are in critical condition. Their hearts work under stress, and they could experience cardiac arrest anytime. CPR is the only way to revive such a patient.
  4. An Online CPR certification usually comes with knowledge of AED. It gives you double the benefit and looks good on your resume.
  5. Consider taking a CPR course if you work as a primary healthcare provider. It could help you move up the corporate ladder.


Every person must invest in themselves for a better lifestyle. Healthcare providers undertake many hours of education to reach their professional levels. However, upskilling never stops and only adds to your accolades. You show the world your zeal to learn by taking an Online CPR certification. This course helps you protect patients from life-threatening situations. The American HealthCare Academy brings forward well-designed CPR courses. The study material from AHCA comes from AHA and OSHA-trained tutors. Log onto the AHCA website and check out the group discount offer.

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