How Creativity and Technology Innovation Can Drive Your Brand Engagement Experiences

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Consumers are going back to physical commerce in droves, but they’re not always happy about what they find. A 2023 survey conducted by Theatro found that 63% of consumers do most of their shopping in-person, but 40% found that shopping had become less enjoyable than it was pre-pandemic.

While consumers have become accustomed to the advantages of online retail, such as avoiding long lines and having tons of information at your fingertips, ecommerce also comes with disadvantages, and it can’t compete with a positive in-person experience. Consumers still want to be able to see, feel, and try products before they buy them.

Brand Engagement in the Real World

Consumers have an appetite for real-world experiences. They’re searching for something unique and memorable, whether they’re out shopping in the real world or at events like live sports, golf, concerts, and festivals.

Brand engagement is a way to capitalize on opportunities in the real world and make bona fide connections with consumers.

What drives successful brand engagements? Creativity and technological innovation can capture the imagination and expand the horizons of what’s possible. Technology doesn’t have to drive creativity, but when they go hand-in-hand, brands are capable of creating new experiences that can spark curiosity, joy, and consumer loyalty.

Technology that Drives Brand Engagements

These interactive, innovative technologies are the tools that brands and agencies need to elevate their engagements. When you need to shake things up with a campaign that focuses on physical world engagements, these are the technologies that can help you make an impression.

Interactive Kiosks

Interactive digital kiosks are the bridge you need between the digital and the physical world to bring other innovative technologies into your engagement experiences. Today, interactive kiosks can be deployed both indoors and outdoors, with solar-powered options giving you cordless freedom to go anywhere and everywhere. Check out for more information on interactive kiosks for brand engagement campaigns and the types of innovative software you need to excel in the experiential marketing world.

Artificial Intelligence Avatars

AI avatars are the perfect brand ambassador. Integrating an AI avatar into an interactive kiosk puts a face to your brand and guides guests through the experience.

An AI avatar can be designed to serve whatever function you need it to. You may want to use one to guide the consumer through the self-serve shopping process, provide information about a contest or promotion, or walk guests through a gamification experience.

AI avatars can also help generate leads and get deeper information from consumers. Today, they’re capable of having more advanced conversations with consumers and can provide more insights for your analytics.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Worlds

The tech world continues to make incredible strides in augmented and virtual reality. While VR experiences can be deeply immersive and create memorable gamification experiences, augmented reality is increasingly powerful and easier to integrate into an interactive kiosk and on mobile.

Augmented reality can be applied to a diverse range of purposes, including self-serve retail experiences, gamification, and immersive experiences tailored to live events.

For your next brand engagement, let innovative technology and creativity work together to create something altogether unique.

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