How to Negotiate with the Best Social Media Influencers

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Social media influencers hold a lot of power. Their endorsement can mean the difference between obscurity and overnight success. Before you jump in bed with them, use these negotiation training tips to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

Do your research

Negotiating takes time, money, and effort. You don’t want to waste any of these on the wrong person. So, research an influencer before you approach them. Find out what type of content they produce and their target audience. Also, peruse their engagement levels. This information can help you understand what kinds of deals they’re likely to accept.

Build genuine relationships

Don’t just mark social media influencers as a means to an end. Instead, get to know them as people and let them get to know you. The better your relationship, the more likely they’ll be to accept your offer. Or, at the very least, counter more reasonably, say negotiation trainers.

Be flexible with the terms of the agreement

Before approaching an influencer, consider a few different negotiation scenarios. This will give you the flexibility to make a deal that benefits both sides. For example, you could offer a lower fee in exchange for a longer-term agreement. Or you could offer a higher fee in exchange for exclusive rights to the influencer’s content.

Put it in writing

Once you’ve reached an agreement, put everything in writing. This way you can ensure there’s no confusion later down the road. Also, formalizing the agreement shows the influencer that you’re serious about working together. Negotiation trainers say this is often the tipping point that gets your offer accepted.

Influencer marketing trends show more and more brands are keen to partner up. Use these tips to make sure your partnership is a roaring success.

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