How to Reverse Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

You might already know gastric sleeve surgery is a popular weight loss procedure. This surgery removes a significant portion of your stomach to limit food intake. Turkey, known for its advanced medical facilities, has become a hub for such procedures.

Why Consider Reversing Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is a transformative procedure for many, but reversal sometimes becomes a consideration. The reasons for this can be multifaceted:

  1. Medical Complications: Post-surgery, some patients experience severe complications like chronic acid reflux, stomach obstruction, or malnutrition. These issues can significantly impact your quality of life and may necessitate a reversal.
  2. Insufficient Weight Loss or Weight Regain: While gastric sleeve surgery aims to reduce weight, results can vary. Some individuals might not lose enough weight or regain weight over time. In these cases, a reversal could be considered a step towards adopting a different weight management strategy.
  3. Psychological Impact: The drastic change in lifestyle and eating habits post-surgery can be psychologically overwhelming for some. If the mental health impact is severe, and alternative treatments aren’t effective, reversal might be a solution.
  4. Physical Side Effects: Some patients might experience unanticipated physical side effects, such as severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), persistent nausea, or vomiting, which can make the initial surgery counterproductive.
  5. Lifestyle Changes: In certain cases, lifestyle changes or improvements in health might reduce the need for a gastric sleeve, prompting discussions about reversal.

What Does Reversal Entail?

Reversing a gastric sleeve surgery is a complex and less common procedure. It involves several key aspects:

  1. Surgical Procedure: The reversal typically entails reconstructing the stomach to its original size or as close to it as possible. This might involve the removal of any scar tissue and reconnecting the remaining portions of the stomach.
  2. Duration and Complexity: The procedure can be more complex and longer than the original surgery, primarily due to the delicate nature of the reattachment and the need to ensure the restored stomach functions properly.
  3. Anesthesia and Hospital Stay: The reversal is performed under general anesthesia, like the initial surgery. The length of hospital stay post-reversal can vary depending on the individual’s recovery speed and any complications.
  4. Recovery Period: The recovery period post-reversal is critical. It usually involves gradually reintroducing solid foods and closely monitoring nutritional intake to ensure the stomach functions as intended.
  5. Post-Surgery Adjustments: Post-reversal life involves adjusting to the newly restored stomach size and function, particularly in eating habits and lifestyle choices.

Eligibility for Gastric Sleeve Reversal Surgery

Not everyone who has undergone gastric sleeve surgery is a candidate for reversal. Several factors determine eligibility:

  1. Medical Assessment: A thorough medical evaluation is necessary to assess the health and suitability of a patient for reversal. This includes reviewing the reasons for the initial surgery, current health status, and any complications experienced. If you decide to reach out to a medical agency like Flymedi they will assist in every step of the medical assessment phase and throughout the procedure. 
  2. Nutritional Status: Patients must have a stable nutritional status to endure another surgery. Those with severe nutritional deficiencies might need to address these issues before considering a reversal.
  3. Psychological Evaluation: A psychological assessment is often part of the eligibility process, ensuring the patient is mentally prepared for another major surgery and the subsequent lifestyle changes.
  4. Surgical Risks and Benefits: The potential risks and benefits of the reversal are carefully weighed. The surgery is only recommended if the perceived benefits significantly outweigh the risks.
  5. Alternative Options: Before proceeding with a reversal, all alternative options, such as adjustments to the current sleeve or additional therapies, should be explored and deemed ineffective or unsuitable.

Undergoing the Reversal

The Surgery Process

The reversal is a complex procedure. It involves careful surgical techniques to reconstruct the stomach. Understanding each step helps in preparing mentally and physically for the surgery.

Risks and Complications

Like any surgical procedure, reversal carries risks like infection or anesthesia-related complications. Being aware of these risks and how to minimize them is critical.

Post-Surgery Care

Post-surgery, the recovery period can vary. It’s important to follow the guidelines provided by your surgeon, including diet and physical activity restrictions.

Long-Term Health Management

After the reversal, your approach to health and nutrition will need to change. Continuous medical support and lifestyle adjustments are key to maintaining your health post-reversal.

Reversing gastric sleeve surgery is a significant decision. It requires thorough consideration and consultation with medical professionals. Remember, prioritizing your health and well-being is paramount in this journey.

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