Keep your Carpets Clean With These Effective Carpet Cleaning Tricks

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

People love to have carpet in their homes for its softness and warmth but it is tough to keep a carpet clean. While most people frequently vacuum their carpet to keep it clean but there is a lot more that needs to be done to make it clean and free of dirt and harmful contaminants. Whether you like it or not, a carpet is always going to have some spills, splashes and other messy accidents. Here is what you need to know about the cleaning tips employed by carpet cleaning professionals to take care of such problems.

What is the first thing most people do when there is a stain or spill on the carpet? The instinctive reaction is to immediately scrub the surface. Rubbing it will not remove that liquid but push it further down the carpet. This is why you need to learn to blot it to soak up the liquid.

According to Chem Dry Fingal, If you rub the liquid, it will get into the fibres which might affect the durability of the carpet. In order to blot it properly, start from the outer edge and move inwards.

If you have some wine or beer stains on your carpet, club soda or vinegar will come in handy to get rid of those stains. Take a clean cloth and pour some club soda onto it. Start blotting the stain. Keep repeating until it becomes clear.

If the club soda is not working, combine vinegar and water in equal parts and use a spray bottle to put that solution onto the stained area. Wait for around 15 minutes and use a kitchen towel to soak up the solution. After removing the stain, use warm water to rinse the stained area.

If you have pets at home, pet hair must be a big problem with carpets. Lint rollers are useful but not as effective as a squeegee. It is true that a squeegee is meant for windows but it is capable of getting rid of thin layers that stick to the surface which is the case with pet hair. Just pour water onto a squeegee and start cleaning.

Another tip to keep in mind is that you should choose the right cleaning solution for the type of fabric in your carpet. Not all kinds of cleaning solutions are appropriate for all kinds of carpets. If you are not sure about the cleaning solution to use, check the instructions provided by the manufacturer or check online.

If you have a nail polish stain on the carpet, it is time to get out your rubbing alcohol bottles. You might also want to use a nail polish remover. Using rubbing alcohol on your favourite carpet is not going to bleach the dye as these cleaning solutions are not that strong.

First, use a butter knife or similar tool to remove as much of the dry nail polish as possible and then use a paper towel or a clean cloth to gently tap rubbing alcohol onto the nail polish stain until it is completely gone.

If there are visible dirt patches on your favourite light coloured carpet, one of the ways you can get rid of such dirt marks is by using your trusted shaving cream. Even if the stain is old, take some shaving cream and rub it onto the stain and let it sit for some time. After some time, gently remove the shaving cream and dirt, and your carpet will look like new.

Every once in a while, it is important to hire professionals for deep cleaning. Your regular vacuum cleaners meant for home use typically do not have enough suction power to deep clean the carpet. Professional carpet cleaners have industrial strength machinery that is capable of pulling out dirt from even the deepest fibres of the carpet.

Choosing the right Carpet Cleaning Company

There are dozens of carpet cleaning companies in every location but not every professional is right for you. Here are a few tips to make the right choice for carpet cleaning experts.

The most important thing you need to consider is the type of cleaning process employed by the company. There is dry carpet cleaning and wet carpet cleaning. Both have their advantages and limitations. One of the biggest advantages of choosing a company offering dry carpet cleaning process is that it does not use too much water which makes cleaning much faster. The traditional method is steam cleaning by top companies such as Steamtech but it takes a lot longer.

You should also ask them about the cleaning products that will be used for carpet cleaning. It is especially important if you have pets or kids at home as some cleaning supplies can be harmful for pets and kids if the cleaning is not done thoroughly.

As far as the pricing is concerned, you are not going to get better cleaning with more expensive quotes. If you check online, you will find many instances where people have had a better experience with cheaper companies. At the end of the day, you should rely on the past performance of the company which can be checked through customer reviews and testimonials.

Needless to say, you need to make sure they are properly licensed, insured and bonded. Usually, this information is available on the website of the company but if it is not there, you should ask them to share this information before hiring them. Also, make sure all the technicians employed by them have had background checks done.

Make sure to work with a company that has been active in this business for several years. It is a competitive industry and it is not easy to survive without keeping your customers happy in the long run. If a company has been in this business for several years, it usually means that their customers are happy with their service and it is likely that they do a good job.

Overall, carpets look great and offer warmth and comfort. However, keeping them clean is not easy. Make use of the tips shared above to get rid of stains and spills right away. Also, hire the services of a professional carpet cleaning company at least once every 2 years to get it deep cleaned professionally. It will not only make the carpet look like new but also enhance its useful

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