The Basic Principles of Cloud Computing

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

If you’re an active PC user, you’ve definitely used cloud storage. From Dropbox to Google Drive, any cloud software development company offers free or paid storage for different needs. But recently, a new trend emerged – cloud computing. What is it, how does it work, and who needs this technology? Keep reading to know the answers.

How Cloud Computing Works

First, let’s explore the idea of the cloud. Imagine a giant online storage space full of PCs working together. Those computers can store data and run programs. You don’t use your PC’s power and memory. Meanwhile, cloud computing is an extended version of this.

Imagine cloud computing as renting the whole PC, not just its memory. In this cloud, you can access powerful software, processing power, and all the necessary computer functions. Moreover, you can access it from any device and share it with others.

The advantages are obvious:

  • you don’t need to worry about maintaining the hardware and electricity for it;
  • you can access your cloud computer anywhere, even from a mobile device;
  • other people can connect to you and edit files as well;
  • you only pay for processes and storage you use instead of purchasing powerful hardware.

Basically, you pay rent to use the computer just as if you were renting an apartment. There is only one possible challenge – you need a fast and reliable Internet connection, especially to load giant files and software. 

Best Practices: Who May Use Cloud Computing in 2024

The question is: who may need it? If you’re a student or just use a computer for personal needs, you’ll hardly require cloud computing. A personal PC is enough for basic tasks. Moreover, they will load faster since you process all operations on your PC. But there are some cases when cloud computing is a life-saving technology:

  1. Remote workers. Cloud storage and applications allow remote workers to access files and programs from anywhere. All you need is an Internet connection. Share files with clients, colleagues, and your employer.
  2. Startups and small businesses. Cloud computing is also a cost-effective way to access robust software without purchasing it. You can pay to use powerful programs, power-consuming software, and apps. It is a must for designers, developers, and other digital specialists.
  3. Business with large teams. Businesses that need to share information with other workers and edit files together may also need it. This way, you can process all operations from different devices while using the same OS and file storage.
  4. Seasonal projects. Do you need storage and processing tools only for several months a year? For seasonal or temporary projects, cloud computing is a cost-effective idea. You only pay rent on needed months.
  5. Healthcare. The cloud-based systems can securely store and manage patient data and facilitate collaboration among workers.
  6. Education. Cloud platforms can provide online learning opportunities. For schools and colleges, it is a perfect tool for collaborative work.

Finally, anyone needing more storage and powerful software may benefit. Whether you’re learning video editing, working on a team project, or needing to maintain the workflow, cloud computing may be a cost-saving option.

Emil Sayegh, a Forbes contributor, claims that cloud computing systems will enhance security measures in the near future. With their help, companies can prevent cyberattacks and store shared data safely. However, other trends will also boost cloud computing in the next few years.

Multi clouding

Businesses are moving beyond one cloud provider. It may simply not be enough for big corporations. Here’s how it works – one company can choose various cloud options and mix private and public cloud options. This is needed to structure and separate tasks. Basically, you choose a cloud for each project separately.

Better verification and data protection

As it was said, a cloud computer is safer than a real-life one — it is more resistant to cyberattacks. However, cloud providers are getting even better. Soon, you’ll see automatic security checks, secret codes, and personalized methods of verification.

5G networks

When 4G Internet revolutionized the industry by offering faster connections, it was still not enough for cloud computing. With the appearance of 5G Internet, you now have faster servers and can complete even the most difficult tasks remotely. Such a revolution is especially important for software developers, designers, and scientists.

Sustainability activities

There is another reason to switch to cloud computing. Supporting eco-activities, more and more corporations will switch to visual computing. This way, data centers become more sustainable and energy-efficient. Basically, cloud computing is a huge network connecting all the PCs in the system. It requires way less wires, hardware, and energy.


The cloud computing industry is gradually replacing traditional PCs for corporate needs. While it is a rare option for personal use, the cloud is an extremely popular solution for collaborative work, technical projects, and businesses that need powerful software.

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