A Personal Review Of Smile Hub Dentist In Dublin

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Finding a good dentist has always been a struggle for me. While there are plenty of them out there, it’s easy to have a bad experience and get turned off. That’s why I set out to conduct a lot of research before choosing my next one. Luckily, I came across Dr Laura Fee at Smile Hub Dental Clinic. There are a couple of things I look for whenever choosing a dentist. The Smile Hub Dental Clinic pretty much had all of them.

1. Reputation

Finding a dentist with a good reputation is always one of the things I look for when choosing. After all, your chances of having a good experience are increased when you choose a dentist that consistently delivers satisfactory experiences for other patients. This is something that made me confident in choosing Smile Hub Dentist in Dublin. After all, they have been nominated for and won numerous awards as per their website. Seeing that they were a Colgate Caring Dental Team Nominee in 2019 and that many of the dentists on the team received similar awards gave me the peace of mind I needed. Not only that, but they also received the Best Patient Care award from the Clinical Dentistry Awards. Needless to say, their reputation swayed me into giving them a try and I am glad I did.

2. Dental Services

Whenever I am choosing a dentist, the next thing I look for is whether or not they offer the right kind of dental services for me and my family. This is going to vary from person to person. However, for me, they had everything I could want both now and in the future. Their practice offers general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, emergency dentistry, children’s dentistry, and even specialist treatments. There wasn’t a dental service that I could think of that they didn’t offer. This meant that I would be able to count on the experts at Smile Hub Dental Clinic to handle everything we needed as a family. The last thing I wanted was to choose a dentist that didn’t offer a specific dental service which would mean I would have to venture out all over again to find a specialist.

What I Liked About Smile Hub Dental Clinic In Dublin:

– I Could Book Online

This was very convenient for me. I have been going to dentists for many years now and booking appointments has always been a major hassle. While it’s expected, it has never been an easy experience. Smile Hub Dental Clinic changed all of that for me. They made it easier than ever to conveniently book my next appointment. Being able to choose the optimal appointment for myself and the rest of my family online is incredibly convenient and something that I truly appreciate. No longer do I have to find time to call and wait for the receptionist to pick up the phone.

– They Are Open 7 Days Per Week

This is another major benefit for me. Having a dental office that I can go to 7 days per week is an incredibly useful benefit that has completely changed everything for me. I work every day of the week. Because of this, it can be incredibly difficult for me to schedule a time when I can visit the dentist during the week. This is only made even more difficult because I have children. The fact that I can schedule an appointment for myself and my kids on the weekend makes them the perfect dentist for me. Not every dentist is open for business on the weekends. It shows that the Smile Hub Dental Clinic truly cares about its patients and they are willing and able to do whatever it takes to provide its patients with convenient service. This is a benefit that truly doesn’t go unnoticed.

– They Are Conveniently Located

Having a dental office that is conveniently located is another thing I like. It can be difficult to get to a lot of dental offices. They are conveniently located in the Bayside Medical Centre. This alone makes them worth considering for me because it’s easy to get to and from the dentist. This is important especially if you have a lot of people going to the dentist in your family. After all, you will be going several times throughout the year. No one wants to have to deal with the hassle of getting to and from an inconveniently located dentist.

– They Have State Of The Art Equipment

Whenever you are visiting a dentist, one of the things that you want to look for is whether or not they re-invest back into their clinic. You want a dentist that re-invests back into the clinic to provide a better standard of care for their patients. When visiting The Smile Hub Clinic, I could tell they do exactly that. This alone made me confident that I was in for a good experience. They have a very clean office with state-of-the-art equipment which made the experience that much better. they also offer a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments such as dental implants which you can read more about here smilehub.ie/dental-implants/.

Would I Recommend Them?

If you can’t tell by now, the answer is 100%. I would recommend The Smile Hub Dental Clinic. I can tell why they have received so many awards and nominees. They truly care about their patients. Every time I visit them, they exceed my expectations. The standard of care they have is excellent. Being able to book my appointments online has made scheduling my bi-annual dentist appointments incredibly easy and convenient. Them being open on the weekends has made it much easier to fit dental checkups and cleanings into my lifestyle. If you are looking for a dentist that cares about their patients, you cannot go wrong with them. Dr Laura Fee is truly an exceptional dentist and you can count on the entire team at the clinic to do everything they can for you. Having a dentist that you can trust is essential to achieve optimal dental health. I am so glad I found The Smile Hub Dental Clinic and I would recommend them to anyone looking for the best dental clinic in Dublin.

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