Driving Lessons Tips To Take Heed Of

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Driving can be a bit intimidating given how you are carrying your life and those of others in the vehicle on your hands. It is among the biggest responsibilities one can undertake in adult life, so it’s okay if you feel nervous about learning to drive. For anyone to be given the go-ahead to operate a vehicle on the road, they will need to have gotten driving lessons from a qualified driving instructor such as anewdriver.ie, or a trainee driving instructor.

Driving Lessons

Driving lessons can prove to be quite costly. There’s no limit on the number of lessons or hours you have to take for you to be a fully licensed driver. How many driving lessons you require will be contingent on how fast you learn the basics of driving. So what can you do to harness the most from your driving lessons and improve your chances of passing the final driving test the first time around?

In this read, we aim to provide you with insightful driving lesson tips from seasoned drivers and driving instructors that are sure to give you practical advice.

1. The Right Instructor

You will mostly be spending the next coming couple of months with your driving instructor on the road. Therefore, it makes sense that you should be learning your driving skills from somebody that meets your demands and you will get along with them. This will go a long way in helping you understand the lessons with ease.

Research has shown that being happy, relaxed and calm assists you in learning and recalling things better. Therefore, do not be coy about changing instructors if you feel they are not the right fit for you and your needs. An ideal driving instructor should be skilled and qualified, in addition to being somebody you feel you can trust and are comfortable having in the vehicle with you.

2. Begin Preparing For Your Theory Test

Although it may appear like the early stages, prepping for your theory exam from the start will assist you to operate better and harness more from your practical lessons. Acquainting yourself with the Highway Code and the road signs from the start means you will be more poised during your driving sessions. The theory will aid you to maintain the traffic regulations and rules of the road fresh in your brain.

3. Look at a map of your evaluation area

Not everybody is blessed with a great sense of direction. You can give yourself an edge by checking out the layout of the area you will be frequenting to take your driving lessons. Having a picture of the layout of the land will prepare you to be familiar with the roads you will be driving on and also suggests that you can recognise any tricky intersections, roundabouts and one-way streets.

4. Medications

Are you currently under medication? Side effects of some medications may include drowsiness; anti-histamines for instance – therefore take this into account when you are planning your lesson times. If you are unsure, you can check whether your medication has any suggestions about driving.

5. Be realistic with your learning objectives

Driving is a continuous learning curve and will take time. Nobody is going to expect you to pick it up at a go. Split your learning into small segments. Rather than attempting to take it all up at once, concentrate on acquiring new skills in each driving lesson you take, and soon enough, you’ll grow your learning in a solid and steady way that will benefit you for your entire driving life.

6. Driving gear

Do I need to wear any differently when driving? Driving lessons are already demanding as it is without your clothing presenting a potential problem. Rock a practical outfit. Go for comfortable wear that gives you the room to move around and make sure to avoid hot or heavy clothing, as well as restrictive footwear and clothing. Flip flops and high heels are especially not ideal when driving. Stick with thin-soled or flat shoes so that you can feel the pedals as you accelerate or decelerate.

What if I make a mistake?

It’s natural to be tense when you’re actually the one behind the wheel. Nobody expects you to learn everything right away. Driving is a skill you grow with more practice and time. Even seasoned drivers who are veterans on the road are continually improving. So, when you get behind the wheel and turn on the ignition, don’t fear making an error – your instructor has been in the game long enough and has seen that happen before.

In the event things go haywire during the practical driving lesson, you can be certain that your instructor will take control of the vehicle. All professional driving institutions have their cars fitted with dual controls, which means the instructor can take charge if need be.

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