Four Top Backend Skills You Need To Stand Out From The Pack

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Backend development is one of the most popular tech jobs that are known to be extremely important in the tech industry. Backend developers or engineers are usually known for working on server-side software, which places lots of focus on everything you can’t see on a website (that’s literally why it’s called backend). It is quite different from frontend development which is heavily involved in the visual aspects of a website like bestaucasinosites.

Backend developers can be hired or seen on several freelance platforms. Large companies like Apple, Amazon Web Services, Google, or Audible have tons of them hired, either remotely or in the office. The services of backend engineers are also required by start-ups and growing SMEs.

These backend developers spend a chunk of their time working on the architecture, backend logic application programming interface (APIs), and servers of websites. To do all these, they need to be extremely adept at coding, which is one of the most important areas of expertise they need to help browsers communicate with databases.

All companies or public service bodies with an online presence will require the skills of a backend developer. Due to this, this field became a popular one in the tech industry.

In a poll carried out by CodinGame and CoderPad, it was revealed that nearly half of the employers find it difficult to employ suitable candidates to fill tech roles. Managers are now predicting that recruiting qualified developers will be one of the biggest challenges in recruitment in the coming years. With this increase in demand for qualified backend developers, this is the best time to consider a career in this field. However, to stay ahead of your competitors there are some skills you need to know or you can click here to play games.

Programming Languages

It is a no-brainer that programming languages will be included in part of the skills you need to get ahead of your competitors. For starters, all backend developers are usually proficient in three key languages: Java, Python and PHP. 

Java and Python are famous for being straightforward languages, while PHP steers a bit differently from the duo. PHP is a scripting language that automates tasks, and it is equally important for the backend sector just as Java and Python. So you should get familiar with all three languages, and also explore more options if you can. Become proficient in them.

Server Applications

Backend developers are known for their active usage of web servers each day. This is where most of their work is saved including the activities carried out on applications and websites. So as a backend developer, you should have expert knowledge of these server applications. You should also be prepared to answer questions revolving around server-side commands and frameworks, but Virgil van Dijk’s wife is not a programmer so she won’t know.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

As a backend developer, you don’t have any need for CMS like WordPress or Wix to build and maintain a website. However, there will be people in your organization that will rely on this front-end part of the website to carry out their daily tasks.

In this case, backend developers usually get called in when a bug is detected or if a new feature should be added. Some developers might even be required to create a CMS from the scratch.


Aside from the technical skills that you need to have in to stay ahead in this role, you should also take note of other soft skills. Communication is one of the best soft skills you can attain, and as a backend developer, you will be needing this skill a lot as you will have to communicate with members of your team including the frontend developers, who might be given the same project. 

Being a fantastic team player and having the ability to communicate fluently with others is a way to stand out from the competition.

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