How to Learn More About Animals in Person

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Seeing- and reading- about animals through the pages of a colorful book is exciting! Watching animal documentaries on television and learning about their habitats and habits is even more exciting.

But nothing beats the thrill of seeing an animal live through an actual encounter up close. It’s a unique experience- one that both adults and kids would love and treasure.

Whether feeding a giraffe from the palm of your hand, giving a milk bottle to a lamb, or even seeing a cheetah make a fresh kill, one should always take up any opportunity to get up close (safely, of course!) to animals.

This article explores the various ways you can see animal creatures in person and make lasting memories.

Adopt a Pet

Start your animal learning experience right at home by adopting a pet and taking care of its needs, playing with it, and forming a solid bond- just like family. You’ll find how these animals can quickly warm up to you and show off their tricks with the right encouragement, aka reward.

You can have a dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, or any pet you are interested in.

Visit a Zoo or a Ranch

The most common way to see animals up close, feed them, and take photos with them is by visiting a zoo or ranch. These places usually have many types of animals for various purposes – conservation, display, and study.

You can learn more about each animal from the information signs and leaflets or by asking the zookeeper/ranchkeeper directly.

Volunteer at a Farm

Experience an “Old Macdonald Had a Farm” vibe by going beyond singing the classic nursery rhyme and going on an actual farm to help tend the animals there.

See how the free-range cows, chicks, and pigs behave up close as you feed them and experience milking cows and gathering eggs. You’ll not only appreciate farm animals but you’ll also learn to value the produce they give!

Go on a Safari

A safari is the closest you can get to watching animals like zebras, tigers, and giraffes in the wild. You can observe them in their natural habitat through this exciting expedition that allows you to travel to exotic places like East Africa- world-famous for its safari adventures.

Go Birdwatching

If ornithology is your thing, you can go birdwatching in places rich in bird species- from Yellowstone National Park to Costa Rica, Kenya, or Iceland. Be amazed by a spectacle of multiple colors and forms taking flight.

You can also visit local aviaries where these winged creatures are kept in large enclosures that simulate their natural environment, allowing them to fly and move around with some degree of freedom and fun.

Visit Aquariums

You can also visit marine parks and aquariums to see a vast collection of sea creatures up close. Most of these places have exhibitions and performance shows that allow the audience to witness seals and penguins doing impressive tricks. You can also feed them and play with them with the guidance of a park attendant.

If you want to see fishes and corals in their natural setting, then you can go snorkeling or diving for an under the sea adventure of a lifetime.

Entering the Animal World

Seeing animals in person and interacting with them is a fun and enriching experience. As for exotic creatures and other uncommon animals, be sure to do it with the guidance of animal experts so you can learn more about them in a safe, fun, and meaningful way.

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