Small business owners how you deal with negative feedback

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli


Managing unhappy customers is a necessary aspect of running a business, and it may be challenging. However, be at ease! We’re going to go deep into some useful tips and tricks in this article to assist you turn those bad experiences into growth-oriented possibilities. Prepare to take feedback like a true champion by stepping up your game.

Stay Calm and Composed

Elisa Bender, Cofounder of RevenueGeeks said, it’s important to maintain composure when responding to negative feedback. Breathe deeply, try not to take it personally and remain level-headed. Maintaining emotional control enables you to react with consideration and professionalism, guaranteeing a win-win outcome for you and your client. 

Customize Your Message

Using the person’s name at the beginning of your response is the simplest method to make it more unique. This small gesture conveys your attention to detail in reading and comprehending their message, as well as your understanding of them as a person.

Listen Actively

Simon Brisk, Cofounder of Click Intelligence shared, when handling negative feedback, it’s important to actively listen to your consumers’ concerns. Give them your undivided attention, demonstrate empathy, and allow them to speak freely. They feel heard and appreciated, and it also helps you comprehend their point of view. To demonstrate that you actually care, take notes, pose clarifying questions, and paraphrase their comments. Establishing trust through active listening facilitates efficient problem-solving.

Humanize Your Brand

Changing the pronoun you use in your response is another small change you may make to diffuse negative remarks. By using “I” instead of “We” or your company name, you present yourself as a real person rather than a faceless machine. An additional way to humanize your business is to merely apologize for any errors you may have committed.

Offer a Solution

Jessica Shee of iboysoft.comsaid, as a small business owner, responding to negative feedback requires providing a solution. Make sure to offer a resolution that demonstrates your dedication to client satisfaction, whether it is by giving a refund, delivering a substitute, or making adjustments to your procedures. By providing a remedy, you show that you are committed to putting things right while also taking care of the immediate issue.

Learn from Feedback

Learning from feedback is crucial to developing as a small business owner. Unfavorable comments might give you insightful information about how to make your goods and services better. Use the feedback as a chance to consider, assess, and make the required changes. Accept it as an opportunity to grow and learn, and you’ll keep improving the clientele and propelling your company forward. 

Train Your Team

To make sure your staff has the knowledge and abilities to respond to negative feedback in a professional and efficient manner, training is a must. Train your team so that they can handle negative feedback in a positive manner.

Focus on the Positive

Let’s now focus on the good! Emphasizing good feedback improves team and customer morale and helps counterbalance negative criticism.

Follow Up

Finally, remember to follow up! After the problem has been resolved, following up with the customer demonstrates your dedication to their satisfaction and fosters enduring relationships.  Keep that communication going!


In order to handle negative feedback at a small business effectively, you must maintain composure, listen actively , leverage feedback as a learning opportunity, provide appropriate solutions, train your team, accentuate positive feedback, and follow up with customers. By putting these tactics into practice, you can turn negative circumstances into opportunities for development and enhanced satisfaction with customers. Maintaining a constant state of excellence will support the growth of your company.

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